And You Get A Video, And You Get A Video, And You Get A Video, Everyone Get’s A Video
We run a video production company. We make music videos, commericals, documentaries, and MOO-VIES.
That’s like the worst joke ever, but at least I'm aware and that leads me into my next topic. Brand awareness. And that ladies and gentlemen, that is how you segway a blog.
I’m sorry, just can’t write the word “segway” and not visualize this.
In 2023 we worked on a project for a family that raises Texas Longhorns in Illinois.
You can find more info on that project here.
The goal, as it often is in video marketing, was to create brand awareness. This opportunity was unique as I knew the family beforehand that had the ranch, and they trusted us to create these videos however we saw fit, doing whatever we felt would be the most effective.
We’ve talked about what we believe is effective marketing in this blog before and consistently two words show up. Authenticity, and lifestyle. So that’s exactly what we did. But we did it a little differently than what you often see in other ads and commercials.
The traditional form of creating an ad that would effectively up brand awareness, using both lifestyle formats and authenticity as the selling point, would usually involve a lot of variables. Like casting someone that has the look and personality of the target audience, writing a witty narrative or ad copy, and of course our favorite part, bringing that cinematic look that engages the audience.
We highly regard this form of advertising because it removes some of the risk of errors and it guarantees a honed product that will make the customer happy and allow us to do our best work. We love working on these types of commercials but they don’t work for every customer. Commercials like this require loads of pre-production and planning, plus can be very costly as it involves a full film crew, strong usable locations (expensive rental, studio), and talent to play the roles. Even the stripped down version of this would be pretty expensive.
That's a great method but it’s not feasible for small business owners to have the budget for a production that large, and it’s likely not necessary.
Authors note, because I’m a maniac when I write blogs: Now we’re not anti-money, we love making expensive commercials if that is truly what would best serve our customers. When playing that producer role, I like to keep the expenses as low as possible, because ROI matters people, but I also want to still execute the goals. This blog isn’t about that though, its about videos for everyone.
I prefer to use my birds-eye views for long brooding sessions thank you
When we take the birds-eye view, we see that all businesses that are doing any real marketing have some video types in common. They’re all looking for social media content, and almost anything they can put on the web to be in front of new eyes and potential customers every single day. Social media content comes in many different forms. They use stills, user generated content, catchy slideshows, talking heads, stylized reels, testimonials, and more to grab the attention of their audience. Everyone is doing this from the big players like Apple, and Nike to the local barber shops, restaurants, and friendly neighborhood influencers.
What this style of content has going for it is that it’s a lot more accessible. That’s why everyone is doing it. It’s the most effective way for you to reach potential clients and give them real world applications for why they should choose what you are offering.
That was the goal with the ranch. We just went out, brought a lot of gear, and spent the day on the farm. We told the family to be themselves, do what they’d normally do and let us capture the content and see what we have.
What’s great about this approach for small business owners is that you’re often running a day to day business. The content that you need for social media is happening organically every day, and all it takes is a skilled camera operator and editor and in just a few hours of shooting, a lot of content could be created. Enough to keep customers thinking about your products and services and at a high enough quality that it’s worth paying to advertise to new customers and create new leads, not to mention the natural views through shares, clicks, and likes.
Never has the same type of advertising been available to small businesses the way it is to major corporations, yet many small business owners are not taking advantage of it. They’re still being told to purchase bad slideshow style ads for local tv instead of using the tools that are available.
I love bad ads (Tim and Eric!) but only when they’re bad on purpose. I’d happily make a bad ad for the sake of comedy, which is a great form of advertising. I don’t love seeing people that have poured their lives into their businesses and ideas and then use advertising that doesn’t really represent the effort and heart they’ve put into it.
You and what your company is doing will likely be the best content you have available. You just need a team like ours to come in and bring the same dedication to capturing that content that you bring to your products and services.
Real content that is posted consistently, that’s brand awareness.
If you want to talk through some ideas for your small business, let’s set up a time to talk. One well planned day of filming can get you loads of content to post to your socials and a huge advantage in the market.